
ROOM 110 – 7th Grade

Pirate Name Help

This weekend you will read chapter 13 of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. In order to fit in with Tom, Joe, and Huck, you will need to have your own pirate name!  Use these resources to help

How to Make a Pirate Name
Pirate Name Generator
Pirate Name Quiz


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5 Responses to “Pirate Name Help”

  1. Jordan Beeli says:

    Bloody Shonen Picard

  2. Blake Hammerstein P.1 says:

    Cheatin’ Tad Straw

  3. hayley caputo says:

    Dirty Mary Rackham was mine but that is like wired and it was like “it’s the coolest pirate name”

  4. Anonymous says:

    mine waz dirty bonney rackham! LOL!

  5. Ginger S. period 1 says:

    Dirty Anne Cash